A former prisoner who shared his story about trying to rebuild his life has been gifted a sewing machine. Malusi Mbadamane, also known as Ace, used to make prison ...
Anika le Roux of Paarl, has made it to the top 10 of the Matrics in Antarctica initiative. The only other Western Cape pupil in the top 10 Emily Dalley of Herschel ...
Emily Dalley of Hout Bay has made it to the top 10 of the Matrics in Antarctica initiative. The only other Western Cape pupil in the top 10 Anika le Roux from Paarl ...
Herschel Girls’ High School’s Emily Dalley has made it to the top 10 of the Matrics in Antarctica initiative. The only other Western Cape pupil in the top 10 Anika ...
The Airbus H125 rotary-winged aircraft. The deployment of the Airbus H125 rotary-winged aircraft earlier this month is set to improve the response rate to incidents ...
Malusi Mbadamane, also known as Ace, who used to make prison overalls during his 20-year sentence, is now using these skills to sew his own clothing. Mr Mbadamane, ...
Thirty homeless people who may have lost their Christmas spirit while living on the streets were surprised with gift packages from the Groote Schuur Community Improvement ...
Jack Umba, of Kenilworth, makes at least 21 coffee deliveries a day on his bicycle, but he’s hoping to get himself a tuk-tuk (with a built-in coffee machine) to ...
Fifteen animal-welfare organisations met at Keurboom Park in Rondebosch, on Sunday, to help get older dogs adopted, as they are often the ones left behind at shelters. ...
A gender-violence programme at UCT is raising awareness about the importance of counselling after being a victim of abuse. UCT alumna Zellah Fuphe and third-year ...
Plans showing what a future District Six could look like have been presented to the public. In four design workshops, held over the past few months, the community’s ...
Ten Cape Town kramats, along with a grave in Mowbray cemetery, known as the Circle of Tombs, have been declared national heritage sites. A formal announcement was ...
The public can finally look forward to the reopening of the Newlands swimming pool after the City closed it for four years of maintenance and repairs. The City says ...
Nine women graduated last Tuesday from an entrepreneurship course held in Claremont. Eight of the women are unemployed and seven are part of the Zoe Project, ...
Pupils at an all-girls school in Rondebosch have been learning to use businesses skills for the good of their community, thanks to a social entrepreneurship project. ...
By Sukaina IshmailFive high school pupils have been learning how to see the world around them with a photographer’s eye and capture intriguing images using only ...
By Sukaina IshmailMowbray traders who rent kiosks from the City to sell their wares say nearby squatters, who openly use drugs and treat the area like a toilet, ...
Volunteers planting indigenous species at the new rehabilitation site in Newlands’ Papenboom Meadow Forest hope this will be a stepping stone for the public to invest ...
Safety and crime have become growing concerns in Ward 59, and four candidates in this year’s municipal elections say they hope to address these issues if they are ...
alestinian activist Muna El-Kurd, 23, urged the youth to stand up against oppression and injustice, when she spoke at the Ashley Kriel Hall in Salt River last week. ...
The collapse of Cape Town’s rail service has become an election issue, with the DA’s mayoral candidate, Geordin Hill-Lewis, vowing to stoke efforts to wrest control ...
The Irma Stern Museum in Rosebank has a new educational programme allowing children to explore their creativity. The Irma Stern Museum, formerly the home of the ...
With plenty at stake for the candidates slugging it out in this year’s municipal elections, things can get ugly, but the Electoral Code of Conduct Observer Commission ...
Residents of a block of flats in Salt River are furious after a funeral parlour moved into the building without municipal approval to operate an undertaker service ...