leg workout, muscle gain, gym, working out, fitness You may have been training incorrectly up until now. image: Freepik
As you may already know by now, and if not we remind you, doing proper leg training Not only is it essential and basically mandatory for anyone who wants to get in shape for the aesthetic aspect (no one likes to look like Johnny Bravo), but because it works a large part of the body's muscle mass and helps us burn more fat.
To this we must add that it also has an effect on our core , which means a stronger core, less back pain, greater capacity to perform physical activity , etc. etc. etc. Conclusion: do not skip leg day.
Now, you may be one of those people who never says no to a squat or a lunge, but are you actually working your lower body properly? You may be surprised, but the answer may be no. At least according to what fitness expert Jason Pak explains.
According to what the trainer has recently explained on his social networks, it is common for people to do their leg training with exercises that use both legs at once. This may seem like the right thing to do, but Pak says that actually working with one leg at a time is better because “the ability to control, stabilize and generate power with one leg is crucial for functionality and performance in and out of the gym.”
But it doesn't stop there because he says that not training with an individual focus can lead to " muscle imbalances , side-to-side discrepancies, limitations in athletic performance and less resilience in general."
So, the expert has put together the best lower body movements to properly strengthen each side and avoid future problems and has shared them on his social networks . Not only will you build muscle more effectively, but you will also improve balance, endurance, mobility, coordination and your overall performance. All in one.
For this you will need dumbbells or kettlebells (to add difficulty), a bench and a box . Yes, it requires more equipment than if you were to do simple classic squats, but the results will not be the same.
The best thing is that there are only five exercises, which you can do together or you can include them in your usual routines. You don't have to stop doing what you know, but you do have to introduce this to improve it.
[via GQ Spain]
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