Dr. Professor Zanele Muholi is one of the artists whose work will be featured at the Shine Visual Arts Exhibition
The Cape Town Arts Festival (CTAF) will launch the Shine Visual Arts Exhibition at the Castle of Good Hope, which will run from Wednesday December 6 to Friday December 15.
The exhibition features work from renowned artists including the Dr Professor Zanele Muholi, Masa Mara and Lungisa Joe, to name a few, as well as up and coming artists. All artists have used a spectrum of mediums, such as ceramics, visual art, photography, and live installations.
The exhibition is part of the Shine project, initiated in collaboration with the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), which advocates for social harmony by encouraging individuals to take personal initiative in fostering understanding and dialogue within their communities.
Dr Professor Muholi, a prominent figure in the arts community, expressed the importance of such events, saying: “We need to see these kinds of events happening monthly so that it becomes a norm. South Africa has the best talent but much of it is under represented and underexposed.
“There are many people in townships across Cape Town that require these spaces."
Muholi will be exhibiting one of her own bronze works titled Umpha (ka) thi at the exhibition and festival.“
For many emerging artists, this exhibition represents a unique opportunity to debut their artwork with a wider audience and alongside established visual artists.
Yusuf Ganief, CEO of the CTAF said: “In line with our motto of ‘Community Arts for Community Wellbeing’, we have commissioned Open Heart Gallery from Langa to project, manage and promote emerging visual artists at the festival. The exhibition will be curated by multimedia award winner Visual Curator, Nompumelelo Rakabe.“
For more information, email info@capetownfestival.org.za or follow Cape Town Arts Festival on social media.