
St George’s Grammar School holds Pride day


Matrics Thina Konco, Lerato Mamabolo and Isma-eel Allie helped to organised the Pride day.

St George’s Grammar School held a Pride day last week to promote inclusivity at the school.

Pupils went to school in civvies and paid R10 for a sticker with the proceeds going to a charity helping marginalised people.

The school also ran the rainbow flag up one one of its flag poles. The flag is a symbol of gay or LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) pride.

Some matric pupils gave a presentation on Friday March 19 about the history of the flag and the LGBT community.

Pride day has its roots in New York’s 1969 Stonewall uprising in response to a police raid on a gay bar, the Stonewall Inn.

Matric pupil Lerato Mamabolo said they hoped to give people greater understanding of the LGBT community, which had been marginalised in the country.

The rainbow flag is flanked by the school flag and the South African flag.

Another matric pupil, Isma-eel Allie, said it was important to make everyone feel welcome at the school, no matter their sexual preference.

School principal Julian Cameron said: “I think it's fantastic that our young people are aware of these social issues, aware of injustice and they are willing to take the initiative to address some of those injustices.”

St George’s Grammar School holds Pride day