The Original D6 Hanover Minstrels kicking off the Hollywoodbets Cape Town Street Parade. Picture: Lauren Paris Athlone minstrel group, West London All Stars’ juvenile “voorloeper”. Picture: Lauren ParisA young member from West London All Stars Minstrels. Picture: Lauren ParisTV Stars Minstrels from Heideveld. Picture: Lauren ParisIsgak Omar, a member of Playaz Inc from Mitchell’s Plain. Picture: Lauren ParisSome of the Playaz Inc band members. Picture: Lauren ParisJuvie Boy Entertainers from Mitchell’s Plain. Picture: Lauren Paris Stand-up comedian Wayne Mckay spotted dancing in the street with the Juvie Boy Entertainers. Picture: Lauren ParisThe Pennsylvanians marching squad entertains the crowd with a formation march. Picture: Lauren ParisJuvenile members from the Ashwin Willemse Orient Minstrel Group from Sherwood Park, Manenberg. Picture: Lauren ParisBand members from Exquisite Golden Gate in Bonteheuwel enjoying themselves. Picture: Lauren Paris Philadelphians Minstrels from Grassy Park made a comeback after a break from parading. Picture: Lauren ParisPhiladelphians Minstrels making their way down Darling Street. Picture: Lauren ParisSeawinds Entertainers from Hanover Park close off the 2024 Cape Town Street Parade. Picture: Lauren Paris