South Peninsula High School pupil, Gemma van Heerden.
Image: Image supplied
Wesley Ford
Lansdowne teenager, Gemma van Heerden, 16, needs to raise another R15 000 in order to go on her school trip to Spain in June.
Grade 11 pupil, Gemma, along with nine other pupils at South Peninsula (SP) High School in Diep River, were selected last October to take part in the Global Classroom partnership conference at Somorrostro Centro de Formación school in Bilboa, Spain.
The Global Classroom partnership is a conference where different schools come together to the host school to discuss important topics and learn about one another’s cultures.
SP teachers Dana Marinus and Deidre Bastian have been preparing the pupils for this conference. Ms Marinus says this is a learning experience for their pupils.
“The pupils will be involved in various activities that are involved with this year’s theme of ‘Climate change’ and it gives the pupils an opportunity to travel and learn about different cultures.”
Ms Marinus says the pupils will not only be involved with the work of the Global Partnership, they will also have three days to go on a short holiday. The pupils will also go on a three-day trip to Istanbul, Turkey.
Each pupil needs R35 000 for the trip, which covers the passport, visa, airfare, pocket money and travel-related expenses, while the conference organisers will provide accommodation. Gemma’s mother, Melanie Lippert, led her fund-raising crusade and raised over R20 000. Ms Lippert, a single parent, raised funds by selling brownie and pancake mixes called Sweet Memories in honour of Gemma’s late father,r Ishclor van Heerden, who passed away last year. Ms Lippert says they also received donations from family and friends in Cape Town and the United Kingdom.
On Saturday March 8, more than 50 people also attended a musical fund-raiser held at the Peter Clark Art Centre garden in Newlands, where they were entertained by musicians Rudy Burns, Trudy Rushin, Monique Jackson and Rick Jackson.
Ms Lippert said she is excited about the opportunity to support her child and the Global Classroom programme. Ms Lippert says they need the ticket funds within this month.
Gemma says she had to write a motivational essay and answer questions to take part in the conference.
“It's a huge pressure taking part in this conference, but to know that I am worthy of representing so many fronts is a great feeling,” she says.
Gemma says she is looking forward to travelling as she has never left the country.
“It would be great to meet more people who are also passionate about things like sustainability and the environment,” she says.
If anyone would like to support Gemma, you can contact her mother, Ms Lippert, through WhatsApp on 082 410 7365.
At the fundraiser held at Peter Clark Art Centre in Newlands are, standing at the back, musicians Rudy Burns and Trudy Rushin, and in front row from left are musicians Monique Jackson and Rick Jackson with Brendan Bussy, Gemma van Heerden, Mel Lippert and Doreen Matthews.
Image: Image supplied