At the food handover at Rosedon House from left are Groote Schuur Lions members, Andrew McClaren, Yolanda Mullins, Dawn Pamplin, Matthew Petersen and Sharon Wright along with Rosedon House staff members, Phumla Mncedani, Belinda September and Rachel Mettler.
Image: Wesley Ford
Rosedon House in Rondebosch East received a boost when they received food supplies from the Groote Schuur Lions Club on Saturday March 8.
Groote Schuur Lions president, Sharon Wright says they were responding to an article in the Southern Suburbs Tatler in January (“Home for disabled needs help,” January 16) where the Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association (WCCPA) appealed for donations to fill up the pantry at Rosedon House, home to 45 residents with cerebral palsy.
“We asked if we could visit and asked what type of food they needed and it was good to interact with the residents,” she says.
Groote Schuur Lions delivered a box of food items which included peanut butter, jam, pilchards, maize, corned ham, butter, eggs and French polony.
Senior supervisor at Rosedon, Belinda September says their home appreciates these donations. “This is needed for our daily use and especially now when food prices are high."
If anyone would like to continue to support Rosedon House you can drop- off non-perishable foods at the WCCPA head office at the Village Work Centre, 11 First Avenue, Claremont. You can also contact WCCPA representative Cheryl Beaton at 021 685 4150 or email
The Groote Schuur Lions members interacting with the Rosedon House residents.
Image: Wesley Ford