The new Livingstone High School Alumni Association with school staff, back, from left, are Fatieg Salie, Livingstone High School principal Riyadh Najaar and Zayd Sulaiman. Front: Michelle Maree, Marlon Kruger, Envir Frasier and Yusuf Mohamed.
Past pupils of Livingstone High School have formed an alumni association to plough back into their old school.
The Livingstone High School Alumni Association was launched officially on Wednesday February 24, two days before the school celebrated its 95th anniversary.
Riyaadh Najaar, the school’s acting principal, says the group existed for a very long time only as a Facebook page where past pupils could reminisce over old photographs and catch up with old friends.
“The time has come for a more structured alumni group that can play a more meaningful role in the school,” he said.
Mr Najaar said the school had nurtured some of the brightest minds in the country over its 95 years, with many climbing to the highest rungs in various fields around the world. However, few had returned to the school.
“Some of the most astute minds in the country have come through these corridors and many have gone on to advance the fields of medicine, law, politics and media,” he said.
Adiel Kamedien will spearhead the almuni association. A lawyer by profession, he matriculated in 1989. He has served on the King Committee of Corporate Governance and is now company secretary at the office of the Auditor General of South Africa.
Mr Kamedien said he and other alumni were grateful for the efforts of teachers, such as Lynette Arendse and Ashley van der Horn, in making it possible for them to play a role in the school.
“We are a very proud school, and there is so much to be proud of,” he said. “Our alumni may roam the wide world over, but the time has come to consolidate the alumni database and advance the vision of the school.”
Technology had made the world a smaller place and would help them grow the alumni database, he said.
“Regardless of where our alumni are in the world, they will be able to be a part of what will be a very active and vibrant alumni group that aims to bring to life the school’s motto of, ’Advance, Livingstone, advance!’” he said.
The alumni hope to play a bigger role in mentoring pupils and run projects that benefit the school.
“We are appealing to past pupils of Livingstone, from every decade, regardless of their standing in society, to stand up and be counted,” said Mr Kamedien.
Past pupils can email, join the school’s Facebook group, visit, or call the school at 021 671 5986 to get a registration form.