Ladles of Love is running The Love Books campaign this month to feed a child two meals a day and give them a book to read.
Ladles of Love, a charity that feeds the needy, is running The Love Books campaign until the end of February to couple feeding with reading by raising funds to ensure preschoolers in the Western Cape, Northern Cape, and Gauteng have access to food and books.
For every R250 donated to Love Books, Ladles of Love will sponsor a child in need with two meals a day and a book to read. Donors can also make this a monthly contribution and ensure a child is fed for the year and has books to read.
According to the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study of 2021, 81% of Grade 4 pupils tested in South Africa cannot read for meaning in any of the 11 official languages and they could not answer straight-forward comprehension questions. This is up from 78% in 2016.
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