A broken bench at Groote Schuur Hospital.
The Groote Schuur Hospital Trust is running a fund-raising campaign to replace 40 dilapidated benches at the hospital.
Many of the benches are broken and not stable enough for patients to sit on, according to Kristy Evans, the trust’s executive director.
The fund-raising drive started last month and supporters of the bench project can make a dedication on a plaque for the bench they are sponsoring.
The goal is to replace all the old benches and add some new ones.
“The recommended cost of sponsoring a bench, and making a dedication via a plaque is R20 000,” Ms Evans said.
The trust has sponsored the first bench which is made out of recyclable materials.
Email maymoonah.abrahams@gshtrust.co.za or visit gshtrust.co.za to support the project.