The Tokai Cecilia Management Framework of 2005 to 2025 outlines a 20 year vision.
Registration is under way to attend a public review of a plan that describes a long-term vision for key sections of the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP).
Read more: Park plan up for review
The meeting will be held on Tuesday May 25, at 5.30pm, at the Old Mutual Conference Centre, visitor centre - gate 1, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens.
The deadline to register to participate in the meeting is 4pm on Wednesday May 19 and you can do so by sending an email to
Members of the public who are unable to attend will have until November to comment on the future of the Tokai and Cecilia forest areas.
The 2005 to 2025 framework outlines a 20-year vision, setting out broad proposals for Tokai and Cecilia.
When registering, you are required to indicate why you’ll be attending the public engagement meeting and whether you’ll be attending virtually or in person.
Due to Covid-19 regulations, only half of the capacity of the venue will be allowed to physically attend the meeting. Those not able to attend physically can connect through the virtual link which will be communicated upon registration.
The TMNP says all stakeholders and interested groups will be drawn into the process to look at workable scenarios for the future of the Tokai and Cecilia areas as vital management sections of the TMNP, similar to areas such as the Silvermine and Noordhoek wetlands, which were also subject to significant changes upon being incorporated into the Table Mountain National Park.
For more information go to cecilia.php