
New footpath bridges for Keurboom Park


Members of the Kromboom Rotary Club standing on the one bridge from left, Jane Theron, Gloria Kaminsky, Jean-Claud Merven, Steve Theron, Alan Budge, Janet Budge, David Clegg and Gavin Smith.

Keurboom Park in Rondebosch is the recipient of two pathway bridges, which were unveiled last Saturday, June 5, on World Environment Day.

The two pathway bridges are located just off the Squirrel Way path, adjacent to the Keurboom Canal over the eroded stream beds.

The Keurboom Park Association (KPA) project received financial support from the Kromboom Rotary Club (KRC) which received further support from the Claremont Rotary Club.

President of the KRC, Steve Theron says they are delighted the project could be launched on World Environment Day.

“The bridge will provide a safe walkway and it will allow the adjacent garden to grow and flourish.”

Chairperson of KPA, Phil Flockton says they noticed that there was increased foot traffic on the paved walking areas and they were looking for ways to add more foot pathways to the park. “The new bridges cover the eroded stream beds, which would be too muddy to walk over and so far with the new bridges we have received positive feedback from park users.”

Mr Flockton thanked the KRC for their support and for also taking a walk through the park with him to look at ways to improve the park for users.

They also installed a plaque, which symbolises that the club is “Building bridges of friendship” with the KPA and park users.

The launch of the two bridges, made from pine wood, also coincided with the Kromboom Rotary Club’s 31st birthday celebration, which was attended by over 20 guests who celebrated the occasion with a picnic.

President of the Kromboom Rotary Club, Steve Theron and committee member, Rod Palmer standing by the plaque near the new path bridges.
The second bridge located over a stream bed adjacent to the canal pipe.