Holy Cross principal Nomthandazo Zweni cuts the ribbon to open the new Grade R playground while Grade R teacher Eurika Groenewald-Shand, left, and pupils look on.
Swings, a jungle gym, a slide, monkey bars and a sand pit are part of a new playground for Grade R pupils at Holy Cross Primary School.
More than R350 000 was raised by the Otto Foundation for the playground, the opening of which, on Wednesday April 3, was met by big smiles on pupils’ faces.
Otto Foundation CEO Dr Frouwien Bosman said they had wanted to help the school as it had battled for several years to provide a suitable play area for pupils.
“When we saw the smiles and happy faces of all the children coming to this playground, it made this project all worthwhile,” she said.
Meanwhile, the school's efforts to find a playground for all of its pupils continue. An initial site that the school identified for this purpose was earmarked for District Six land claims (“Playground earmarked for D6 claimants,” Southern Suburbs Tatler, September 20, 2018), but two years ago, ward councillors Yusuf Mohamed and Francine Higham met with Holy Cross and City officials to discuss the possibility of the school using the Searle Street Park as its playground (“Park could beat playground blues for Holy Cross,” Southern Suburbs Tatler, June 23, 2022).
Last year, the City gave the green light for volunteers to build a fence around that park (“City gives nod for Searle Street Park fence,” Southern Suburbs Tatler, June 15, 2023) although that has yet to happen.
However, Holy Cross principal Nomthandazo Zweni said she was thrilled with the playground that had been set up for the school's Grade Rs next to the Holy Cross Church and she thanked the Otto Foundation for its help.
"It's a dream that came true,” she said.