Some 93 000 Grade 1s and 98 000 Grade 8s were among the 1.2 million pupils who started the new school year at public schools in the province on Wednesday. Pictured are Rosmead Central Primary School Grade R pupils, from left, Seth Charare with his mother, Tabeth Charare; Kwenza Kume with his mother, Nomsindisi Kume; and Asiphile Banabas with his mother, Zikhona Banabas.
Rosmead Central Primary School Grade R pupil Hastings Yakobe with his mother, Eunice Chipango.Rosmead Central Primary School Grade 1 pupil Inenceba Mgitima with his parents, Mxololo and Sibabale Mgitima.Rosmead Central Primary School Grade 1 pupil, Layla Africa, with her mother, Faldielah Simpson, who is a Grade R teacher at the school, and her father, Lance Africa.Rondebosch East Primary School Grade R pupils, Raa’id Parker, left and Josh Coeries on their first day.Rondebosch East Primary School Grade R teacher Candice Kemp with new pupil Afnaan de Witt.Rondebosch East Primary School Grade 1 pupil Myla McNabb with her mother, Tamzen McNabb.Rondebosch East Primary School Grade 1 pupil Jaden-Lee Lietzman with his parents, Kelly Cloete and Lyalle Lietzman.St George’s Grammar School Grade 1 pupil Frances Lester with her parents, Amy Lester and Dean Berger.St George’s Grammar School Grade R pupil Isaac Rix, left, with his older brother, Noah, who started Grade 1. Vine School Grade 1 pupil Israel de Gee with his parents, Melissa and Anton de Gee. Vine School Grade 1 pupil Jessica Njoku, in front, with her brother, Grade 5 pupil Jesse Njoku, and their parents, Grace and George.