Winner Sizwe Nzima from from Iyeza Health with judge Julian Singoza.
Social entrepreneurs pitched their businesses to a panel of judges, in a competition promoting enterprise that helps communities, and the winner walked away with R30 000.
The finalists in the Iwisa No.1 Community Champions Competition presented their businesses on Thursday March 23 at a Cape Town hotel’s conference centre.
Sizwe Nzima, from Iyeza Health, which collects chronic medication from public health facilities and delivers it directly to people’s homes, took first place.
Mr Nzima, from Khayelitsha, said he started the service after seeing how his grandparents struggled to get their monthly medication.
“I am so excited. I can now open up other avenues and collaborate with more people in the township. It’s a privilege to provide new opportunities for more people to be able to grow our business and continue to support the communities’ needs for health-care products and access to treatment,” he said.
Colin Mkosi, from Cloudy Deliveries, who also runs a bicycle courier service for groceries and restaurants in Langa placed second. Thozama Sikiti, of Khayelitsha, from Thunariso Organic Garden, which plants and grows organic vegetables, and runs mentorship programmes for the youth, came third.
Top-10 finalist Bradley Bailey, of Rondebosch East, pitched his Kind Heart Bench Project, which provides a safe space for pupils who are struggling with peer pressure, bullying and other mental health issues.
The Tatler previously reported on the first bench that was installed at Groote Schuur High School (“New school bench provides a safe space for pupils,” Thursday, April 22 2021). Since then, Mr Bailey has placed benches at Bokmakierie Primary School in Athlone, Grove Primary in Claremont, Rhenish Girls’ High in Stellenbosch, Kannemeyer Primary in Grassy Park, Fairmount Secondary in Parkwood and Sans Souci Girls’ High in Newlands.
“The aim of the project is to focus on the issues that our pupils deal with on a daily basis, that affect their mental health, such as peer pressure and bullying,” he said.
Schools that would like to be part of the Kind Heart Bench Project can call Mr Bailey at 071 962 0693 or email