Adverse weather is believed to have uprooted the tree that crushed a bakkie on the M3 on Monday morning, says the City’s fire department.
Two men escaped harm when a tree uprooted and crushed the bakkie they were travelling in, on the M3, in Newlands on Monday.
Salt River fire station responded to the incident, on the corner of the M3 and Princess Anne Avenue, after getting the call just before 9am, said City Fire and Rescue Service spokesman Jermaine Carelse.
“While the cause of the tree uprooting cannot be confirmed, it is likely due to the adverse weather conditions that have been experienced over the metropole,” he said.
The two men in the vehicle were not injured and no assistance was needed to free them from the wreckage.
The toppled tree also damaged a concrete barrier, dislodged electrical wires and closed one lane of the M3 to traffic.
“The City’s recreation and parks department was requested to assist with the tree removal. This process got under way just after 10am,” said Mr Carelse.
Ward 59 councillor Mikhail Manuel said driving rain and high winds had caused significant damage and flooding across his constituency, which spans Claremont, Kenilworth, Rondebosch and Newlands.
“It is a relief that the passengers and driver are okay. I am sure that the incident was a shock to all surrounding motorists as well,” he said.