Aletta Stubbs, administrator at Cape Kidney Association
In response to letter published “Farewell to Cape Kidney Association” (Southern Mail, May 29), the Cape Kidney Association would like to thank Marlene Anne Fabe (Molly) for her dedication and contribution to the work of the association over the last two decades.
We would also like to extend a word of thanks to her personal assistant Vanessa Hallett, the previous members of the board, and all the volunteers who offered their help during the time of Ms Fabe’s tenure.
A special thank you to all the donors who unselfishly donated and supported the association during this time.
Covid-19 certainly made it very difficult to raise funds due to the hard lock down in our country, with limited or no opportunities to organise public fundraising events. As a result, our income stream was severely affected, and the association was unable to fund the salaries of two employees. Like so many businesses and charities during this time, the association therefore had no choice but to unfortunately retrench both full-time employees.
The Cape Kidney Association, however, wants to inform all your readers and their families that we are still operational.
The association is now being run on a totally voluntary basis. This group of volunteers consists of health and non-health professionals, all with a passion to support patients suffering from kidney disease. The aim is not just to support patients attending the public sector at government institutions like Tygerberg and Groote Schuur Hospital, but also those receiving care in the private sector.
Chronic kidney disease is a progressive condition that affects more than10 % of the general population and is projected to become the fifth commonest cause of life lost by 2040 (Bello, Okpechi, Osmon et al 2022).
One can therefore anticipate that the support needed by kidney patients will only increase. We therefore want to appeal to all your readers for their continuous support to the Cape Kidney Association.
For more information contact us via email at
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