The last session of the show The Message is Love, from the series Everything Must Change, will be performed on Saturday November 4 at Southpoint Studios, Pinelands, 5pm. The band line-up comprises Glenn and Michelle Robertson on vocals, Tony Drake on keyboards, Bjorn Petersen on drums and vocals, Timothy Ehrenreich on lead guitar, Nicholas Ford on bass and William Haubrich on horns. Narration is done by Dexter Hanekom. According to the band, “Burt Bacharach penned the classic, What the World Needs Now is Love. This song is so aptly titled for us all right now. Come along and join us on our journey in song - where the message is love.” Tickets cost R175 each for adults and R90 for children aged 12 to 18. Book through Quicket or for more information call the Kaleidoscope office on 021 674 5761 between 9am and 5pm or Petro on 072 601 2848. Pictured are Tony Drake and Glenn Robertson.
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