Nona Phillips, Claremont
I have read the article regarding the River Club and feel it would deprive the people of Cape Town great wealth in not accepting a chance of having an international company here. (“River Club development will destroy heritage,” Southern Suburbs Tatler, April 14)
Every winter that area is a complete swamp, the only plants that could grow are water lilies.
Why does it have to be them or us? Can’t we, as humans live in harmony, allow this to go ahead. Be thankful many, many folks out of work will get a chance to have an income.
A garden has been promised for all to enjoy.
No where have I found an objection from the Khoi people when the restaurant, Gordon’s Institute, the Soccer Stadium were built, or the opening of the circus which years later the structure still remained
What ruins our heritage is the deliberate setting fire to historic building and the like.
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