Robyn Kessler, Rondebosch
It's funny how at some point in life things come to a head and one can't continue as things are.
Not having had work for 26 years and already having medical limitations stacked against my chances, I had to confront the long-standing fact that I didn't have a CV of any sort. Well, that's not a hundred percent accurate. I compiled something in 1995, but it hardly had anything in it, and certainly with the advent of the internet, it would have been severely outdated. I had no idea where to begin.
But about seven months ago, I decided that I should probably get one done. But there was a roadblock. I had no idea where to start. As a last resort, I thought I would try asking at the college I did supplementary lectures through 23 years ago (Varsity College) if they could help me.
I explained how I was a student a quarter of a century ago (phrasing it like that sounds scary) and explained the situation. Much to my surprise, a counsellor was happy to sit with me and patiently went through the considerations and process of compiling a CV.
I felt a mixture of emotion. On one level it felt like I was doing something at the age of 49 that most others would be seasoned professionals at and have a glowing resume for, two decades earlier. On another, I was trying to place myself in a position to be employed. It felt strange. I think I said at the meeting that it made me feel out of place already. On both levels, it was daunting, but it was something that nevertheless needed to be done. As it is, aged 49 I either have one foot in the grave already or am halfway to fulfilling the Alanis Morissette prophecy about turning 98 and winning the lottery.
Now, seven months later, I have put out 17 CVs either in person or by email and have had only one positive response, not in the form of an available position but an invitation to deliver a sample that could be kept on record, an offer which I will probably take up this month.
But the fact that the college I was at over two decades ago was so keen and made themselves so available to help me is, to me, a great example of after-sales service.
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